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AFPICON - 2018

Abstract submission : Instructions

  1. Only registered delegates can submit abstracts. Mention your conference registration number when submitting abstract.
  2. Abstract must not be more than 250 words, including tables and graphs. Simple tables and graphs may be used only if they fit within the specifications.
  3. Abstracts must be submitted in English, in a structured format.
  4. Abstract must be typed single-space, using at least 9 point size font and must fit inside the designated space.
  5. Type the abstract in order of title, authors, institution and text which should be left aligned and includes aims and objectives of the study, methods, results and conclusions.
  6. Name of the presenting author should be underlined.
  7. The presenting author should also be a registered delegate for the conference.
  8. Standard abbreviations are acceptable. Uncommon abbreviations should be put in parenthesis and preceded by the full word the first time it appears in the text.
  9. Tables and graphs can be included if they can fit within the rectangle. Photographs will not be accepted.
  10. There are no restrictions on the number of abstracts submitted.
  11. Abstract must be submitted by 10th January 2018.
  12. Receipt of abstract submissions will be acknowledged via email to the contact author.
  13. Topics that are relevant to family medicine and primary care are encouraged.

Evaluation and Acceptance

The evaluation for the abstracts will be done by the scientific committee that will take into account:

  1. The importance of the topic and its relevance to family medicine, and to primary health care
  2. The scientific methodology used and its suitability to the work
  3. Conclusions and practical applicability
  4. Originality
  5. Clarity and correct use of language.

List of selected works will be published on this website and acceptance will be informed by email to the author.

Please read instructions carefully before submitting abstracts.


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